Saturday, 27 October 2007

What Happens If You Dont Wear NIKE in Japan

Tokusatsu Sentai/Power Rangers Chase You Down

Friday, 26 October 2007

Stomach Virus or Food Poisoning

sick for the past....5 days stomach rolling up down left right. feeling like shit. stomach bloated and feeling pain. diahorrea and vomitting. exam soon. 2 options. screw the exam and dont go. go for the exam but feel like shit.....not much of a choice.

fuk it

Tuesday, 23 October 2007

Monday, 15 October 2007


exams start....there goes my life. kinda wished i had more time to study then again the amount of time that u wish u had to study for the exam is never enough

Wednesday, 10 October 2007

I won $250,000 woohoo......yea rite


show details
Oct 6 (4 days ago)
We happily announce to you the draw of the Yahoo Lottery Intl Inc programs held on the 6th of October 2007 in London. Your e-mail address attached to ticket number: 56475600545 188 with Serial number 5388/02 drew the lucky numbers: 31-6-2613357, which subsequently won you the lottery in the 2nd category. You are therefore, been approved to claim a total sum of £250,000.00 for the month of June 2007 lottery win promotion which is organized by MSN & YAHOO LOTTERY INTL INC .Every month.


Batch number............YBM-WBS-2007390AF
Reff number...............YBM-WBS-200704522AF
Winning number.........YBM-WBS-200778AF

These numbers above fall within the United Kingdom agent's Location file, you are requested to contact him and send your Identification Numbers and Personal Information to him;


Claims Agent : Mr Cole Adams

Send your Identification Numbers/Your Personal Information to him so that he will proceed further for your prize claim immediately:


1. Full name..................
2. Country....................
3. Contact Address......
4. Telephone Number..
5. Marital Status.........
6. Occupation..............
7. Age..........................
8. Sex...........................

Congratulations once more!!

Yours faithfully,

Brain Hunt,
Online coordinator


this is what i saw in my mail a few days back i forgot to post it haha. maybe i should email them back with some fake ID of some sorts.....nyahahaha would be fun to see what comes back in the mail

Monday, 8 October 2007

Exams Soon and The Pressure Is On

Exams in a short time. 4 subs 3 weeks to fight. 2 more months till i am back in kl.
its at time like these u regret certain decision in life.
i hate nz to the point i would pay anyone to bomb this lousy country killing billions of sheep in the process
so much to do so little time
want to exercise but cant
pissed off at almost everything
need time out most likely
i want to make models havent touched one since 9 months ago
need the solitude of my room and music in my ears
need the smell of food in a dirty alley and taste of teh ais at a coffeeshop
4 seasons sucks
feeling racist at anything
breakdown is most likely going on
tofufa maybe needed

waht i need now is a bath.....gone......

Thursday, 4 October 2007

Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Deciding Factor

Still deciding whether i should work during summer break or not. Deciding factor is CNY holidays when does it start for 2008.

To Be A Butcher or Not To Be