Sunday, 2 September 2007

PMP 2.0

Politically Motivated Post No.2

I wont say much but let you guys look at what i have to give to make your own mind.

Lim Kit Siang on Looking back to look ahead

The Sun Newspaper accused of promoting a Malaysian Malaysia

I have to comment on the second link. Isn't promoting a Malaysian Malaysia good? Besides a country is made of its people, a government is made of its supporters. If you don't reveal what the people should know may it be bad or good then its just another move by self righteous pigs to make profit for themselves and dont give a damn about the in the citizens not your own people which help you make more money. BTW FYI 99% of the media in Malaysia is controlled by a man/group of people in the govt which only want whats best for themselves and not for others.

I don't hate the government but i hate the people who are holding the post because they are useless bastards.


What has the country come to where we raise up little terrorist sons-of-a-bitches. These 4 ignorant kids who of course from their height, voice and so called speech are approximately between 15-20. These useless bums are trying to incite more racial problems because they think they represent Islam. I don't have anything against Islam but these 4 terrorist bastards are just asking for a punishment. Don't use religion as an excuse to commit your useless acts. Yes Allah is great but you 4 sob are just giving excuses for other people to attack Islam because of your acts and words. Islam is a great religion but your actions demean it. I am not agreeing with Negarakuku but I understand.

With our country growing older one cant help but think are we moving forward or backward. In terms of economy we are slowly moving forward. In terms of social status we are moving forward. HOWEVER in terms of racial integration and understanding we are moving backwards and eventually there may be a repeat of 13th May.

We celebrate our independence from the British but how long more till we celebrate our independence from racial separation, double standards, controlled media, corruption, religious problems, etc(the list goes on)


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